Training Programs
From marathon training to speedwork, we have programs for most skill levels. We are here to support you through your journey. For your convenience, below are our training schedules. Remember, before starting any fitness program, consult with your physician and read our disclaimers.
Marathon Training
We don’t want you talking about your “dream”; we want you talking about your “experience.”
Don’t Train Alone
Become part of a fine MARATHON TRAINING PROGRAM. “Others” may talk about a great program, but we surely provide it. Our program follows the popular two build up weeks, followed by a cut back week. This proven method of training allows you to safely build your mileage base, thus decreasing your chance of injury.
- You will be taught to run more efficiently.
- You will also learn the importance of proper pace and hydration. Our runners are knowledgeable, experienced and friendly.
- We have multiple coaches to help you train. Others have been captains of the Nike Pacing Team at the Chicago Marathon. And others are members of Marathon Maniacs, Fifty States/Fifty Marathons, and Seven Continents.
- Pace groups are offered and we have a NO DROP rule. Which simply means NO ONE runner is ever left behind.
- Every year we have 70 plus runners finish the Chicago Marathon. Many of our runners choose different Marathons and different states to run in.
- Our Marathon Training Program includes mid-week training runs as well as Interval Training for all levels of runners.
- It offers three levels of training: First Timer, Previous Marathoner, Personal Record. Gatorade is provided at ALL Sunday long runs, ALL Tuesday interval training sessions and ALL Thursday evening mid-week runs.
- Massage students, provided by of SOHMAR are present after many Sunday long runs.
- A pre/post “Hospitality Room” (capacity 75) is provided at the Congress Plaza the day of the Marathon, free of cost to all members. Gear check, bathrooms, and shelter from the weather are there for you pre-race. Refreshments and massage therapists are waiting post-race, along with your family reunite.
You must be a member of Glen Ellyn Runners to participate in this program.
Speed Training – Spring and Summer

About Our Summer 2024 Speed Training
by David Harris
Below is the 2024 speed work schedule that we will follow on Tuesday nights. This program is designed to help runners prepare for the Chicago Marathon, but feel free to come out just to increase your running performance. Hydration will be provided and I will send reminder messages and track workouts every Tuesday morning on our GER membership FB page.
See our FB page for a hydration and nutrition guide as well.
Running is better with friends. So come out and let’s have some fun while improving our fitness levels.
Speed Training Schedule
Where: Glenbard West High School Track
When: Tuesday Nights @ 6pm
Workouts: Each week will include 1 mile warm-up and 1 mile cool-down around the lake.
- 4-Jun 1 mile test
- 11-Jun Jog the curves 12 laps
- 18-Jun 200×12 with 200 easy recovery
- 25-Jun 400×16 with 1 min rest for recovery
- 2-Jul The Hills are Alive! 5-7x
- 9-Jul Ladder 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 1200, 800, 400 (30-60 sec. rest in between)
- 16-Jul 600x 6 with 1 min rest for recovery
- 23-Jul 1 mile* 4 repeats with 2 min recovery rest. Option: stairs around GBW 4-6 times
- 30-Jul 1200 x 4 with 1 min recovery rest in between
- 6-Aug Hills 7-9x
- 13-Aug 800x 8 or 10 at 5K pace with 1 min recovery rest
- 20-Aug Ladder 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 1200, 800, 400 (30-60 sec. rest in between)
- 27-Aug 30 sec very fast, 30 sec recovery run by 15-20x
- 3-Sep 1200 x 6 with 1 min recovery rest in between
- 10-Sep Ice cream social, 400×20 with partner
- 17-Sep 1 mile* 5 repeats with 2 min recovery rest
- 24-Sep Hills 8-10x. Option: stairs around GBW 4-6 times
- 1-Oct 1 mile test
- 8-Oct 1-3 mile easy jog
- 10/13/2024 Marathon!